How will you feel when we work together?

“Highly recommend Alvina, she brings calmness, compassion and love to every conversation. ”

— Michelle, Jul 23

“I can highly recommend Alvina’s supportive and enabling approach. I’ve been working with Alvina for a couple of weeks now and I am already realising the benefits of the various techniques and tools that I can use outside of our sessions as I seek to secure a new role.

I’m getting so much out of our sessions and I am absolutely delighted with the variety of tools I have gained to support me in such a short space of time. I’m really enjoying the practical tools, but also the opportunity to learn and understand more about myself through the likes of Human Design and Moonology, which are both completely new to me.” (Feedback after session 2 of 10)

Which part of the process did you enjoy the most?

“Having a weekly session planned in with Alvina and attending every session in person really helped me to maintain momentum with the programme and I looked forward to my weekly sessions immensely whatever we were focussing on. Because Alvina uses a variety of tools and techniques, no two sessions were the same and I really enjoyed the variety and the way that Alvina responded to or tailored each session depending on what I had going on, or what I was feeling. Alvina instinctively knew what would help me the most in any given session.”

— Lynn, May 23 (Empowered VIP programme)

“What surprised me was how powerful Rapid Energy Release (Silent Counselling) can be. I was feeling ‘stuck’ and ‘stagnant’. Alvina spent time working with me to release this blockage and at the end of the session I felt uplifted and lighter, to date it has not returned.”

— Marianne, Jan 23 (6 Steps to Success programme)

“I started the session feeling a bit deflated, anxious and stressed but ended feeling calm, relaxed and very balanced, it’s like a warm hug!”

— Anon, Jan 23

“I just woke up after an incredible nights sleep and my body feels relaxed. Why? Alvina gifted me a beautiful reiki treatment and it was incredibly powerful. A few things were unlocked. Afterwards I shared feelings and emotions and Alvina held the space asking questions to help me. Alvina is the person I trust to care for me with her range of empowering solutions and using her highly tuned intuition to know what you need.”

— Michelle, Oct 22

“Absolutely fantastic meeting with Alvina, after feeling ‘stuck’ with where to go now in business, she helped unlock the answers I already held within. Alvina’s depth of knowledge and understanding is so valuable whilst making you completely at ease to discuss freely. Incredible meeting, I’m feeling much lighter and content with my decisions. I recommend everyone whether in business or not, needing answers, struggling to make decisions. Please go and see Alvina”

— Susan, Sept 22

“After only 4 or 5 sessions with Alvina my clarity and confidence are at their highest for years. Thank you for leading my way towards being more calm, courageous and focused on what 'I need' in my life."

— Wendy, Sept 22

“Recently I’ve had the privilege to experience Alvina’s full moon meditation and silent counselling session. It blew my mind! Alvina is such a beautiful, kindhearted, and loving soul. She knows exactly what is going on without the need to explain myself. After our session I was able to allow myself to take time off work and actually switch my mind off instead of thinking about my never ending to do list. I would highly recommend Alvina’s services to anyone who is in need of a bit of emotional tlc. I went in with no expectation and came out realising what was keeping me in the loop for so long. Thank you so much Alvina, can’t wait for our next session. ”

— Katrina, Sept 22

“Alvina is such an uplifting empowering woman. Her one to one sessions have most definitely changed my life. I am becoming a healthier, more positive, happier empowered woman going forward in life thanks to Alvina. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ”

— Anon, Aug 22